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β Rainbow Knight

Ancient Machine of War
                             Relic Tek

Little is known about where the Rainbow Knights came from in the First Era. Some scholars would suggest they were servants to one of the deities before man. Others theorize mankind conjured the hulking giants before the calamity.


Regardless of their origin, the Rainbow Knights are effective tools of war with devastating destructive capability. α R.Knights can stand upwards of 60ft tall, whereas β R.Knights can reach up to 10ft.


They are also able to wield fractal weaponry simply by touch, without the need for standard crystal tempering and melding.


Rainbow Knights are not conventionally living creatures. Underneath the armor is fleshy muscle holding together the Knight's frame. At the core of the muscle is an analogous substance which closely functions like human brain matter but in a vegetable state.


The Rainbow Knights are like blank slates and it is a large mystery as to how Beshi is able to control the Knights as they do.

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